Run Time Terror
Mystical Rhyme
IT Fancy Dress Competition
The creation of art is the manifestation of reality based on one idea in a single artist’s brain.
The participants are required to dress up as an IT personality/Gadget. They will display the work of the IT personality/distinguished features of the gadget. The purpose of the event is to identify and appreciate the IT contributions by eminent personalities or Innovations in the Digital Arena.
• Presentation should include updates like: features, innovations, benefits and information about the personality, etc.
• Each team will get 5 minutes to present itself.
• Participants are required to use props.
Eligibility : III-IV
Number of Participants: 2
Number of Rounds: 1
Theme: IT personalities
Judgement Criteria:
• Presentation : 30 pts
• Creativity : 30 pts
• Expression : 20 pts
• Content : 20 pts
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Kanika Gupta
Contact Number : 9811661581
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.- Albert Einstein
Participants are required to design an animation/storyboard on the given topic using the given platforms. The design will be in the form of a storyline to express a thought or an event.
• Participants will be given 1.5 hour for making their complete animation/storyboard.
• They will be provided with the necessary hardware & software resources.
• The files should be named as: schoolname_eventname.
Eligibility : V-VIII
Number of Participant: 1
Number of Rounds: 1
Software allowed: SCRATCH 3.0/ CODE.ORG
Theme : Conservation of Natural Resources
Judgement Criteria:
• Originality of design : 30 pts
• Creativity in Animation : 30 pts
• Design elements : 20 pts
• Relevance to the topic : 20 pts
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Kanika Gupta
Contact Number : 9811661581
Surprise Event
Life’s supposed to be an adventure, a surprise!
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• This event is a surprise for everyone & everything will be disclosed on the day of the event. The participants are required to decode the hints given in each round to reach the next round .
• The event details and rules are to be disclosed on the day of the event.
• The participants are required to decode previous levels to reach to the next one.
Eligibility: Open for All
Number of Participant: 1
Number of Rounds: Not Defined
Judgement Criteria:
• No. of Levels Successful
• Time Taken
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Neha Makhija
Contact Number : 9899900032
Artificial Intelligence
Everything you can imagine is real!
Augmented reality is a way of simply enhancing or adding to the reality that is already there around us with added digital images, graphics, sound or even videos. The best example of augmented reality is a game that many people play on their smartphones called “Pokémon Go.” This game is a great illustration of augmented reality and the easiest way to describe the technology. The participants are required to create an animation using the Augmented characters based on the given theme, the online software can be used like ARloopa, Surreal AR or any other similar. The submission will be in form of a video that will be showcased on the day of event.
• Each team has to prepare a video having both real time and embedded Augmented reality elements.
• Participants will present their video in the host school.
• The storyline of the project should be related to the theme.
• Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
• Each team is required to submit the file in .mp4 file format.
• The files should be named as: schoolname_eventname.
Eligibility: V-VIII
Number of Participants: 2
Number of Rounds: 1
Software: Any Software(Like ARLOOPA, SURREAL)
Theme: "IN THE MEMORY OF" - Remembering our Elders
Judgement Criteria:
• Usage of elements : 30 pts
• Visual effect : 30 pts
• Story Line : 20 pts
• Creativity : 20 pts
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Shipra Khurana
Contact Number : 8700972522
Canva Newsletter
Finding your Purpose isn't enough the challengefor our generation is creating a world where everyone has a sense of purpose
The participants are required to design a professional newsletter/brochure on the spot using the above mentioned software. They will be provided hardware and software resources. The aim of this event is to explore the creativity and design thinking ability of our young learners. The freedom to create the content will be given along with the mandate to use the content that will be provided by the host school.
• All the participants are required to submit their files in pdf format.
• Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
• The final file should contain minimum 6 pages and maximum 10 pages.
• The files should be named as: schoolname_eventname.
Eligibility : IX-XII
Number of Participants: 2
Number of Rounds: 1
Software allowed: CANVA
Judgement Criteria:
• Originality : 20 pts
• Creativity: : 30 pts
• Visual Clarity : 30 pts
• Overall presentation : 20 pts
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Neha Makhija
Contact Number : 9899900032
A/V Editing
No matter what you do, your job is to tell a story
A design thinking tutorial video is one that provides the opportunity to contribute to an issue of societal concern. It should demonstrate a process, transfer of knowledge, explaining a concept or show the process of completing a task, for example: a tutorial video for sign-up process. The participants will use graphics animation, characters and text in their tutorial. The aim of this event is to explore the creativity and design thinking ability of our young learners. The submission will be in the form of a video that will be showcased on the day of event.
• The participants need to create a learning/tutorial video on the above mentioned platform.
• The storyline of the video should have a proper structure, content and conclusion.
• The duration of the video should be 3-5 mins.
• Participants are required to bring their own devices for creation of their own tutorial video.
Eligibility : IX-XII
Number of Participants: 2
Number of Rounds: 1
Software allowed: Biteable
Topic: SDG (Any one)
Judgement Criteria:
• Originality : 20 pts
• Creativity : 30 pts
• Visual Effects : 30 pts
• Overall presentation : 20 pts
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Shipra Khurana
Contact Number : 8700972522
Do your fingers twitch on seeing a problem, itching to write code? Do you dream of programming when you sleep? Most of all, do you love problem solving?
#include <digi.h> if (CanCode==true){ if ("♥puzzles==true){ execute ("Participate") } else { execute ("Still Participate")} } else{ printf("Learn coding and\n") execute("Participate") } }
Explore your programming skills with critical thinking, logical reasoning and Team work. A problem solving real - life situation will be given on the spot to code and find the solution in Python Programming. This real-life problem can be of an ATM Machine, AI Domain, Billing, Data updation or finding a logic to get the desired results.
• The team needs to use Python modules and libraries (Turtle, math, random, pygame or any of your choice) to do the problem solving.
• There will be two rounds : Both the rounds will be for 1 hour each. In case the team finishes round 1 before the allocated time, then they can carry forward the remaining time to utilise in round 2.
• The competing teams will be given freedom of expression to explain their code after round 2.
Eligibility : XI-XII
Number of Participants: 2
Number of Rounds: 2
Language: Python
Judgement Criteria:
• Completion of Programs : 30 pts
• Correct Execution: 40 pts
• Format of Display: 30 pts
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Neha Makhija
Contact Number : 9899900032
Run Time Terror
Gamers don’t die. They respawn.
Gaming is really a workout for our young minds disguised as fun. Playing games strengthen a range of cognitive skills such as spatial navigation, reasoning, memory and perception.
• Registered participants will be divided into brackets.
• As the participants move further, there will be only 1 winner of each game.
• 2 Games will be played during the event.
• Console : PS4
• Brackets will be revealed on the day of the event.
Eligibility : IX-XII
Number of Participant: 1
Number of Rounds: To Be Announced
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Neha Makhija
Contact Number : 9899900032
Mystical Rhyme
It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.
Podcast is an audio file that presents a story, event, views etc of the speaker. The participants need to present content on the given topic. The purpose is to present in a manner that sounds natural when we talk on a podcast.
• Participants are required to make a creative audio story on the given topic.
• The participants will only recite the audio story in the school .
• Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
Eligibility: Open for All
Number of Participant: 1
Number of Rounds: 1
Software allowed: Any Software
Theme: Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav
Judgement Criteria:
• Originality : 20 pts
• Innovativeness : 30 pts
• Use of rhyming words : 30 pts
• Relevance to the topic : 20 pts
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Kanika Gupta
Contact Number : 9811661581
Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That's why it's so hard!
People use blogs as a medium to express their views and opinions to bring a social reform in the society. Digital marketing is used to promote their ideas through different platforms ( blogspot, wordpress, etc) and means to gather organic traffic .
• Participants are required to create a blog on the given topic and publish the same using any platform (10 days prior to the event i.e Tuesday, October 25, 2022).
• The participants will host the blog online and will do the marketing of the post through any source of media/social media.
• The link of the blog will be shared with the host school through a form by Saturday, October 29, 2022.
• On the day of the event, the participants will present their own blogs in the host school.
• Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
Eligibility : Open for All
Number of Participants: 2
Number of Rounds: 1
Theme: India after 10 Years
Judgement Criteria:
• Originality : 30 pts
• Number of views : 20 pts
• Innovativeness : 20 pts
• Content : 30 pts
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Shipra Khurana
Contact Number : 8700972522
Quiz Essential
Offline Quiz
Unlocking knowledge at the speed of thought.
What makes quizzing so compelling? The quest to dig deeper in the questions or to scratch the answers from the surface.
• The event will consist of two rounds. The preliminary round would include a time-bound pen-paper test.
• The top 6 schools with the highest scores would qualify and battle with each other in the finals .
• The final round will consist of questions based on new advancements, trivia and history of tech.
• Decision of judges would be final and binding.
Eligibility: IX-XII
Number of Participants: 2
Number of Rounds: 2
Topic: Technology
Teacher In-charge : Ms. Tripta Khandelwal
Contact Number : 9871553973
You don't take good photographs, you make it!
Adding that wow factor to your photography is something, many of us aspire to do. Photographic effects are a great way to reach this goal. Discover what the coolest photography effects are and how they can be easily applied to ones work. We shall provide the participants with general objects in a room like vases, flowers, bed sheets, mugs, toy cars etc. They shall set up and click pictures and edit the pictures according to the theme.
• For the first round, the participants are required to capture and submit a single original image relevant to the given theme.
• For the second round, the participants need to edit their image according to the theme.
• Bringing your own prop is not permitted.
• Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
• The format of the file to be submitted should be in .jpg/.jpeg/.png.
• The files should be named as: schoolname_eventname.
• DISCLAIMER: Participants must carry their own devices for editing the image.
Eligibility: Open for all
Number of Participants: Team of 2
Number of Rounds: 2
Theme: Vintage
Judgement Criteria:
• Visual impact : 40 pts
• Originality : 30 pts
• Creativity : 30 pts